  ¡á Activity


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1. International Affiliation


<font The Society has been actively seeking international affiliation. The Society is a regular member of IFORS (International Federation of Operational Research Societies) as well as APORS (Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies. The Society hosted the first APORS conference in 1988,and held the international meeting; INFORMS-KORMS Seoul 2000 on June 18-21, 2000

2. Special Interest Groups

The Society has 6 Special Interest Groups (SIG's). The activities of each SIG include holding international and domestic conferences, running varies seminars, and publishing newsletters and proceedings. The SIG's are as follows.


SIG on Management Information Systems

SIG on Information Technology

SIG on Networks

SIG on Industrial Applications of Geographic Information Systems

SIG on Data Mining

SIG on Material Handling Systems for the New Millennium


3. Regional Branches

Several branches of the Society have been established to promote regional cohesion and to maintain a balance of activities around the nation. The branches are as follows: Kangwon; Daegu and Kyungpook; Pusan and Kyungnam; Choongchung; and Honam.


4. Journals and Review

The Society publishes two journals and a review. The Journal, which publishes new and innovative research results, is published in two categories. Journal (A) is published four times a year, while Journal (B) is published in English twice a year and focuses on theoretical issues. The Review is a biannual publication which covers applied research, surveys, and articles on MS/OR trends.


5. Spring/Fall Semiannual Conferences

The Society holds conferences twice a year. The Fall Conference is held in the Seoul metropolitan area, while the Spring meeting convenes in other areas of the country. The conference programs include technical sessions, invited lectures, and tutorials. General assembly meetings are also held during the conferences; these comprise both regular and special sessions.


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KORMS Online Service since March 1, 1996. korms@korea.com
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